
Aries Season 2024: A Reckoning [For All 12 Signs]

The Sun Journeys through Aries - from March 19 – April 19, 2024

Jennie and I discuss the Sun's journey through Aries, marking the Equinox and the shift to spring or autumn depending on which hemisphere you are in. You can find Jennie at: https://www.hiddenpathastrology.com/

We explore Aries' significance for the season and offer insights tailored to each Rising sign. Aries season, beginning March 19th prompts reflection on the use of our physical energy and determination to take action.


Despite a fiery start, momentum and stress ease after Mars enters Pisces on March 22 and we travel through the Lunar Eclipse on March 25. Mercury's retrograde on April 1st calls for introspection, culminating in a Total Solar Eclipse on April 8.

This season emphasizes the balance between independence and connection. Please watch the initial 44 minutes for an overview, then follow the time staps for personalized guidance, for your Rising sign. If you are unsure of your rising sign watch the one for your sun sign.

Time stamps:

  • Start: 00:00

  • Season Breakdown: 15:22

  • Aries: 43:32

  • Taurus: 47:48

  • Gemini: 52:18

  • Cancer: 58:44

  • Leo: 1:04:48

  • Virgo: 1:08:22

  • Libra: 1:14:18

  • Scorpio: 1:20:38

  • Sagittarius: 1:26:30

  • Capricorn: 1:31:18

  • Aquarius: 1:36:32

  • Pisces: 1:41:57