
The Leo Full Moon is your chance to feel some warmth and connection in the midst of the chaos brought by its exact square to Uranus. Jennie and I talk about the Moon cycle and current astrology before diving into how it affects you, based on your Rising (or Sun) sign. This moment is all about leaning into your community—spending time with people who matter most—and navigating change with as much objectivity as you can.

A Full Moon shines a light on what’s most important right now. Use this one to focus on the connections that truly sustain you. It peaks on February 12, 2025, at 8:53 am EST, tying back to the Aquarius New Moon on January 29 and the Leo New Moon from August 4. If you have key placements near 24º in fixed signs (Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, Taurus), you’ll likely feel this lunation more intensely and may find yourself motivated to take significant action.

As always, your natal chart is key when working with this energy. Watch the first 20 minutes for an overview, then skip to your Rising sign for more personal insights.

Time stamps: Start: 00:00 Chart of the Moment: 8:39 Aries: 19:57 Taurus: 24:47 Gemini: 28:43 Cancer: 34:15 Leo: 39:04 Virgo: 44:37 Libra: 50:26 Scorpio: 55:39 Sagittarius: 1:00:49 Capricorn: 1:06:03 Aquarius: 1:11:08 Pisces: 1:15:08
